Fat experiences

I need some advice

Nothing about what you said sounds dramatic in the least. Your partner seems just too hungry for more and more for his fetish and fantasies that he forgets about the real people with him.

While the usual advice would be to talk it out, if that doesn't work I think you should put some ban on him touching you at all. It might also affect you but you need to show him that you are serious about him and it's not just because of your size but because you care for each other, otherwise it's not going to work out
4 years

I need some advice

If a man I was with was more interested in porn I don't think I would stay with him.
Him closing the door on you to watch porn shows he doesn't appreciate you and what you have to offer the relationship.
4 years

I need some advice

Girl I think you can do better than this loser.
Sounds like the type thats going to watch porn no matter who he is with all he needs is an excuse to use and make it seem like its your fault he watches porn.
4 years

I need some advice

Here is the real reason that he does it. It is easier to masturbate than to wait for you to get into the mood and how our brain is hardwired we have a tendency to do things habitually. My friend had issues just like your guy does but the reason for his excessive porn use was the need for any companionship superceded his need to find someone he was really attracted to. His therapist said that this type of "settling" for what you can get instead of what you want because you don't know if you can keep or attract your type so you waste people's time like this. Either way, you might have to choose someone else.
4 years